Accepting Applications Now!
The Contest begins 30 October 2010
Want to Participate?
Download Registration Form: Contest Registration 2011.docx
All requests to participate in this contest must be from teachers,home educators
group leaders or parents of children of African descent
Download English Brochure 2011.pdf
Download French EC Brochure 2011 (F).pdf
Read over 50 winning essays from the
Essay Contest for Children of African Descent 2009
Click here to buy your copy and support this initiative
Important Dates and Deadlines
Essay Topics Released : Saturday, 30 October 2010
Essays due: Saturday, 15 January 2011 (11 weeks)
Awards Ceremony: Saturday, 26 March 2011
(Supplementary and mainstream school teachers,
group leaders and parents)
You play a vitally important role in your child’s life. You are also instrumental in encouraging a love of learning, culture and the pursuit of academic excellence within your children.
Please note that the purpose of the Essay Contest for Children of African Descent 2011 is to encourage and support your students in the academic and personal development.
We hope you will see the contest as an avenue for educational and personal development for your students. To participate in the Essay Contest for Children of African Descent 2011 send an email with the title “Application Request” to
Every year participating essayists receive valuable feedback from amazing people of African descent from across the African Diaspora who give their valuable time and provide excellent feedback to each participating essayist. Examples of such feedback from 2010 include:
1. “You expressed yourself with such clarity and passion. I really enjoyed it. Good use of vocabulary and structure. Make sure you always read and re-read what you have written as you get older. Your words are very true, but we can forget from time to time what our focus is. Keep it up! I expect great this from you; keep expecting them from yourself everyday! Very well done!”
2. “Wonderful job, Dorothy! It was a pleasure to read your essay. I was impressed by the breadth of your vocabulary, the style of your prose, and the outstanding spelling displayed in your work. It is clear that you read widely and have a wonderful capacity with words. Do keep that up, as there is evidently a writer blossoming within you. What I loved most about your essay was the wonderful, rich, and evocative detail with which you described your chores. With your descriptions of how you washed the dishes and clothes, you succeeded in painting a picture in the reader’s mind (a key indication of good writing). Your prose is lyrical and flows smoothly – the reader is quite captivated when reading your essay. I do hope you keep writing – you seem to have a natural talent for it. Your respect and admiration for your mother also came through powerfully in your essay. Your mother is very lucky to have a daughter who looks up to her so much! You are clearly a hard-working girl and I congratulate you for helping your parents so much. With respect to strengthening your writing in future, I would suggest that you pay careful attention to your grammar and sentence structure. Make sure each sentence has a subject and verb, and pay careful attention to the order of words in your sentences. I would also have loved to see more about what doing chores can teach you for the future (this was an important part of the essay question). For example, doing chores teaches us self-discipline, hard-work, neatness, cleanliness, and respect for our environment. All of these things are important for our future lives – and would probably be important in the job of a flight attendant! Overall, however, your essay was wonderfully written Dorothy, and I wish you all the best of luck in your future writing!”
3. “Très cher Xavier, la structure de votre travail lui donne une qualité encore plus importante. Après avoir pris soin de faire le point sur les avantages formidables de la présence et de l'exploitation des ressources minières et minérales du continent, vous concluez avec justesse que jusqu'ici, ces "richesses" ont été l'objet d'une exploitation plus que problématique. Le ton de votre travail témoigne d'une grande maturité intellectuelle de votre part, et je tiens à vous en féliciter fort chaleureusement!”
Financial Supporters
If you see value in this initiative and would like to offer your financial support do contact us at
Winners to be announced at the Awards Ceremony in March 2011
please contact me at
1 comment:
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